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Fool Moon, the Chelem Legend

Concept, design and manipulation: Galia Levy-Grad

Playwright: Galia Levy-Grad and Naomi Yoeli

Direction: Naomi Yoeli

Music: Eyal Talmudi

Lighting design: Noa Elran

A production of


The Chelem stories, from the best of the Jewish folklore, were adapted in a creative and innovative way and are full of surprises. 

A huge book turns into a Teater stage through the “pop-up” technique combined with puppets and shadows. Layzer, Lemech and the rest of the people from Chelem set out on an adventurous journey to find a new moon for the city of Chelem, to replace the one that

was stolen…


Galia Levy-Grad, an artist who specializes in paper art, brings life into the Chelem world, full of humour and innocence. Chelem’s amusing stories are interwoven inside the world theater through a variety of inventions, objects and characters.

This world is filled with poetry and magic made of the paper elements of the story as well as of the book.

Everything is possible, both in the theater and in the stories, even hanging the moon in

the sky…


This performance provides the children an opportunity to peep through the refreshing window of the Jewish folklore that has not lost its vitality with the popular sources of the Yiddish culture, the little town and Jewish existence of the Diaspora. Chelem is not only ‘there’ and ‘then’, but also ‘here’ and ‘now’.


This show is accompanied by an original Klezmer soundtrack.

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